Language Reference - Comments

Although only one statement per line is allowed, a long statement can span multiple lines if an underscore " _" preceded by a blank is placed at the end of a "broken" line. String definition cannot be split in several lines, concatenation need to be used.

MsgBox(4096,"", "This is a rather long line, so I " & _
   "broke it with the underscore, _, character.")


The semicolon (;) is the comment character.  Unless the semicolon is within a string, all text following it is ignored by the script interpreter/compiler.

; The next line contains a meaningful, end-of-line comment
Sleep(5000)  ;pause 5 seconds


You can combine underscore and semicolon to put comments on lines and still have a long statement span on next line.

dim $b_ ; This _ is not a continuation character, nor is the next one
dim $k_
Dim $a[8][2] = [ _
[ "Word", 4 ], _ ; Comment 1
[ "Test", 3 ], _
[ "pi", 3.14159], _ ; Associate the name with the value
[ "e", 2.718281828465], _ ; Same here
[ "test;1;2;3", 123], _
[ ';', Asc(';') ], _ ; This comment is removed, but the strings remain.
["", 0] ]


It is also possible to comment of large blocks of script by using the #comments-start and #comments-end directives.